Monday, March 16, 2009

37 Lessons Learned

1. I feel I cannot trust anyone. I've realized that people do lie and I really can't trust anyone except myself.

2. I can't believe everything someone tells me. Just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true.

3. The phrase "Fool me once - shame on you, Fool me twice - shame on me" should really be observed. If it happens once, learn from it and don't let it happen again.

4. I cannot change anyone. No matter how many times I give "threats" or how many times I've screamed until I'm blue in the face - a person will only change if THEY want to change.

5. Sometimes, leaving and letting go IS really what's best for someone.

6. I can't make myself love someone---AND I can't make myself hate matter how much I think I should or how much I want to.

7. Blaming my own problems on someone else doesn't fix them--it normally only makes them worse.

8. Mama and Daddy really do know best---and are USUALLY right. I never thought I'd admit that.

9. Sometimes, "outsiders" see things that I can't (or refuse) to see. I should take their advice.

10. Sometimes "LOVE" isn't enough to keep 2 people together.

11. The quote, "Staying friends with your ex is like your dog dying and your mom saying you can keep it" is true. Of course, it's hard letting go of something you once loved and cared for---but eventually, it just gets nasty.

12. At times, it hurts to let go---but I've realized it is usually harder hanging on.

13. Friends actually do fight---even best friends---but they work through it and become stronger.

14. When you're going through a hard time, you really see who your true friends are. They will listen to you--not because they HAVE to--but because they WANT to.

15. Someone who hurts me or makes me cry isn't worth a minute of my time.

16. If you lie---you'll eventually get caught.

17. Hurting and going through a hard time is actually worth it in the end.

18. There are times when I just want and need to cry. I don't want unsolicited advice. I don't want to fix what is wrong. I just want to cry!

19. Some issues cannot be resolved before bed.

20. Sometimes, silence really says it all.

21. I'd rather be lonely and single than lonely and in a relationship.

22. Lying to impress someone gets you nowhere.

23. Close friends and definitely family stick around longer than most boyfriends. I have learned to watch how I treat them and not to forget about them just because I'm seeing someone.

24. Trying to be someone I'm not just to make someone accept me is NEVER a good idea.

25. Insecurity and jealousy isn't cute on anyone.

26. Change doesn't always have to be a bad thing.

27. I'm slow to trust but quick to love. (Yes, I stole this from a Sugarland Song---but it's true)

28. At times, music can be a better healer than any medication.

29. There are certain times when you just need someone to wrap their arms around you--and even though you know it's not--they tell you everything is going to be okay.

30. It is really hard to live without regrets---no matter how many times you say you wont or how much you try not to have regrets.

31. Hiding things never helps a situation. It causes you to lie and hurt the people you love.

32. Long distance relationships are not for me.

33. People don't always do what they say they are going to do.

34. Actions really do speak louder than words.

35. Talk is cheap.

36. People can only go as far as you let them.

37. It really is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

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